Now Available!

Now Available!

My Short Fiction

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    An astronaut who chased the stars her entire life must now face getting what she always wanted...but in the worst possible way.

    Publishing in Writers of the Future Volume 40

    Available May 2024 from Galaxy Press

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    "Male of the Species"

    Hewitt men never forget their first love.

    Published in Monsters horror anthology by HellBound Books

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    "Big Sister"

    “The first time Kass saw a male, she almost ate him.”

    6,000 words, submitting

About the Author

Tom Vandermolen started out life as a military brat, born in Japan to a US Navy sailor and a Japanese mother, but raised primarily in the American South. A childhood of books, comics, movies, excellent English grades, and mediocre math grades resulted in a collection of short-story rejections and, inexplicably, a physics degree. After college, what should have been a short enlistment as a nuclear submarine officer somehow became a twenty-two-year career as a Navy intelligence officer. No one is sure how any of this happened.

Now retired from the military and working as a data scientist, Tom lives in Seattle with his wife, Yvette, who is always his first reader (and editor).

Tom Vandermolen